VieSID Canada

The Elephant in the Room: Why study with the Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry (VieSID)

The elephant in the room: Why study with the Vienna School of Interdisciplinary Dentistry (VieSID)?


As senior VieSID instructors we are constantly asked how the VieSID “philosophy” differs from other programs available.  The term philosophy (noun) is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as “a theory or attitude held by a person or organization that acts as a guiding principle for behaviour”.  Those of us who were privileged to study with our mentor, Professor Dr. Rudolph Slavicek recognize that the concepts he taught are not just theory or attitude.  They are based on nature and backed by scientific study.   They apply to all areas of dentistry and provide a framework for diagnosis, treatment planning and implementation of all therapies.  It is important to understand that VieSID teaching emphasizes comprehensive diagnosis based on many factors.  The goal is the elimination of dysfunction and establishment of optimal function in our patients. 

Many programs exist that offer training in comprehensive dentistry.  The Dawson Academy, Spear Education, Kois Center, and L.D. Pankey Institute are well established organizations that offer their own curricula.  So, what does VieSID offer that the others do not?  This is the “elephant in the room”. 

The best way to answer this important question is to understand what our students learn during VieSID training.  While each of the previously listed organizations offer education in some of the key objectives, VieSID offers a complete package.  Graduates of the 15-day Mini Residency in Occlusal Medicine (the Basic Curriculum) can progress even further with advanced training in prosthodontics/restorative dentistry or orthodontics. 


graduates of the VieSID Basic Curriculum receive in depth education in:

1)    Completing a detailed anamnesis (patient interview with appropriate questions to ascertain past and present history of all presenting conditions). 

2)    Taking a comprehensive Health History review to correlate systemic findings with oral conditions

3)    Understanding the presenting dysfunctions using the “Occlusal Index”, a series of 10 questions with supplementary enquiries

4)    Education in completing a thorough clinical examination including range of motion, extra and intraoral examination, wear, occlusogram analysis, brux checkers, neurologic assessment etc.

5)    Training in using photography for documentation and diagnosis

6)    Hands on education in comparative muscle palpation and ability to correlate the findings with presenting dysfunction

7)    Accurate impressions and model fabrication are taught which are applicable for both diagnosis and treatment.  In addition, digital impressions and analysis are covered and the relative accuracy of both techniques is reviewed.  Impressions for definitive treatment are taught ensuring all students can capture full arch impressions of multiple preparations for indirect restorations. 

8)    Hands on instruction in articulators and mounting of study casts using an anatomic facebow. Bite registrations, Split casting, model pinning and complete analysis are thoroughly reviewed

9)    Reference Position: its importance, and how to accurately capture this position

10) Lectures in occlusal medicine, cybernetics, compensation, function, and dysfunction, evolution and growth and development, MRI  and CBCT

11) Lectures in the CMS: craniomandibular system (ligaments, muscles, TMJ)

12) Lectures in the NMS: neuromuscular system (muscles, nerves, muscle palpation)

13) Case documentation: using the GAMMA document browser database software to store all the data points (a trial version license is provided during the program)

14) Hinge-Axis: what you need to know about this critical element of treatment; verticalization cases and hinge axis

15) Clinical Instrumental Analysis – CPM, electronic condylography.

16) Condylographic Interpretation and live demonstration.  Condylography is essential to understanding condylar movements at the level of the joint.  Information from this measurement tool is critical to our treatment planning.  Training in the Axis-Orbital system to enable superimposition of a variety of different diagnostics is included

17) Cephalometric Tracing, Cephalometric Analysis, and Interpretation, VTO (visual treatment objectives using the GAMMA software

18) Splints and phase 1 treatment.  How, when, and why

19) Planning and sequencing the simple, moderate, and complex case.

20) Functional geometry of occlusion, what you must know with hands on training in the Functional wax-up for Class I Initial therapy


VieSID Training emphasizes the core philosophy of Professor Dr. Rudolph Slavicek and his Gnathological Triad.  It is imperative to understand the muscles, dentition, and temporomandibular joints to provide the utmost comfort, longevity, and function in our therapies.  We look forward to welcoming you to our 15-day mini-residency (basic curriculum).


At VieSID Canada we teach each of these steps in detail.  Students of our 15 day mini-residency graduate with a thorough understanding of comprehensive diagnosis.  Once this information is gathered it is entered into a database including selected instrumental analysis appropriate for each patient.  In this way we are able to individualize our  therapies and treat our patients with personalized care.


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